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The Relief Delivery for Preventing The Novel Coronavirus

Author : Administrator Date : 2020.02.14. 14:06:44 Views : 362

ANYONE delivered 15,000ea face masks(in twice) for preventing the novel coronavirus to our Chinese partners having such a very difficult time.

We will always overcome our partners’ difficulty together and we will consistently support them.

Additionally, we hope to reduce the spread of the virus and to get back into a normal day.

[On January 31, CEO Mr. Lee Sangkyu(fourth right) and employees delivered the primary relief(8,000ea face masks) to our Chinese partners.]

[On February 4, we delivery the additional relief(7,000ea face masks) to our Chinese partners]

Messages from partners

  · A company, Manager of purchasing :

     "Happy New year. At this difficult time, I would like to express our sincere gratitude and best respect to ANYONE on behalf

      of our company in regards to the support of the medical masks."

  · B company, Manager of purchasing :

     "Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help, which I will never forget.

       Looking forward to our long-term friendly cooperation!"

  · C company, Manager of materials :


     "At this difficult moment, we appreciate ANYONE’s support and help.

        On behalf of our company, I would like to thank you all.

        In addition, we are looking forward to our partnership getting better and better."

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